Prayer Key

Here you will find this week's daily prayer guide. Our virtual prayer groups use these keys so that the entire Comunionet network prays in one accord. We update this page every Sunday.
Comunionet Goals 2023: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yMnIRuvbrBrVATe1GSt1DqPEIUQvxLXM06OxkYjEwuM/edit
Semana 30 (Julio 24-30)
Semana de Multiplicacion
Tip de la semana: para reproducir el video diario durante la reunión, usa dos dispositivos–uno para reproducir el video y el otro para que el grupo lo escuche.
Recomendamos que el día de la reunión de supervisión sea a principios de la semana, lunes o martes, ya que usualmente el video provee instrucción para el resto de la semana.
🔑 Monday
REPORTAMOS: https://forms.gle/Sn4j6SiWijbCSshb7
ENTRENAMOS: Un árbol de esperanza (1 de 7) - https://youtu.be/G6XVASX-rRA
(Cualquier persona designada puede reproducir el video).
ORAMOS por las necesidades de unos y otros, y para que podamos plantar un nuevo grupo (el primer intercesor ora
Week 30
July 24-30
Week of Multiplication
Tip of the Week: To play the daily video during the meeting, use two devices--one to play the video and the other for the group to listen.
Leaders and Supervisors Video - https://youtu.be/giKdQtByHik
We recommend that the day of the supervision meeting be early in the week, Monday or Tuesday, as the video usually provides instruction for the rest of the week.
🔑 Monday
Leader/assignee sends form: https://forms.gle/LC1jcBsSMQ5UVbXw7
WE TRAIN: A tree of hope (1 of 7) - https://youtu.be/VSAx683T0cY
(Anyone designated may play the video).
WE PRAY for each other’s needs and that we would be able to plant a new group. (The first intercessor prays for the second, the second for the third… and the last one for the first).
WE READ together our Bible Plan: Psalms 35-36; Acts 25
WE GIVE, by sharing a testimony: https://forms.gle/LPKsnct18bUnXU5E8
Testimony: We prayed without ceasing, believing that God would heal sister Leydi of her anxiety, and she was healed (Sonia Gómez).
At the end of the 10-minute meeting, we dismiss with a victory
cry of “Gloria a Dios” [Glory to God] at the count of three.
Leader/assignee sends form: https://forms.gle/LC1jcBsSMQ5UVbXw7
WE TRAIN: A tree of hope (2 of 7) - https://youtu.be/A1eFS7uLGO4
(Daily video or audio to be used, if possible, at the beginning of each meeting)
WE PRAY for the grace to teach others the things we have learned.
2 Timothy 2:2 - You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others…
WE READ: Psalms 37-39; Acts 26
WE GIVE, by taking time to invite someone to join the group.
At the end of the 10-minute meeting, we dismiss with a victory
cry of “Gloria a Dios” [Glory to God] at the count of three.
Leader/assignee sends form: https://forms.gle/LC1jcBsSMQ5UVbXw7
WE TRAIN: A tree of hope (3 of 7) - https://youtu.be/Qey3wrBry4o
(Anyone designated may play the video).
WE PRAY for the favor to bring prodigals to this and the new group we are planting.
WE READ: This is the YouVersion plan we follow to read the Bible (http://bible.com/r/7). Today’s chapters - Psalms 40-42; Acts 27
WE GIVE, by becoming a Daily Director for the group.
At the end of the 10-minute meeting, we dismiss with a victory
cry of “Gloria a Dios” [Glory to God] at the count of three.
Leader/assignee sends form: https://forms.gle/LC1jcBsSMQ5UVbXw7
WE TRAIN: A tree of hope (4 of 7) - https://youtu.be/qmsnDl4Pm3U
(Daily video or audio to be used, if possible, at the beginning of each meeting)
WE PRAY to develop skills to help our group grow and multiply.
We also intercede for the leader of this group
and for mentor Sergio and his family.
Exodus 36:1 - The Lord has gifted … skilled craftsmen with wisdom and ability to perform any task involved in building the sanctuary…
WE READ: Psalms 43-45 (you can also find the daily chapters here: https://en.comunionet.com/biblia)
WE GIVE, sending our offering to https://en.comunionet.com/donar
At the end of the 10-minute meeting, we dismiss with a victory
cry of “Gloria a Dios” [Glory to God] at the count of three.
Leader/assignee sends form: https://forms.gle/LC1jcBsSMQ5UVbXw7
WE TRAIN: A tree of hope (5 of 7) - https://youtu.be/Cq2ssOpM0SM
(Anyone designated may play the video).
WE PRAY for revival in the nation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
We also pray for the new groups that are being planted this week.
WE READ: Psalms 46-48; Acts 28
WE GIVE our time by contacting group members that no longer connect.
At the end of the 10-minute meeting, we dismiss with a victory
cry of “Gloria a Dios” [Glory to God] at the count of three.
This meeting will last a little longer
Leader/assignee sends form: https://forms.gle/LC1jcBsSMQ5UVbXw7
WE TRAIN: A tree of hope (6 of 7) - https://youtu.be/8fIfzvFqPDo
(Daily video or audio to be used, if possible, at the beginning of each meeting)
WE PRAY for grace to learn to direct a prayer meeting.
WE READ: Psalms 49-50; Romans 1
You can also watch this video intro to the book of Romans 1-4: https://youtu.be/ej_6dVdJSIU
WE GIVE, tithing monthly at https://en.comunionet.com/donar, if this is your congregation.
How can we plant a tree of hope?
1. Plant the seed God gives you: “Plant your seed [...] profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both” (Ecclesiastes 11:6).
2. Teach the truths you have learned to other people: “...teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others” (2 Timothy 2:2).
3. Learn to persist: “Go […] urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full” (Luke 14:23).
4. Depend on God: “The LORD has gifted […] skilled craftsmen with wisdom and ability to perform any task” (Exodus 36:1).
5. Ask the Lord to give you passion to work: “So Moses summoned [those] who were specially gifted by the Lord and were eager to get to work” (Exodus 36:2).
6. Leave the excuses behind: “Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant” (Ecclesiastes 11:4).
7. Believe in multiplication: “I will cause your descendants to become as numerous as the stars of the sky” (Genesis 26:4).
Which one of the above steps do you find most helpful in your situation? Growth is coming to your life and ministry, through the presence of God and His Word.
WE DISMISS with prayer and a cry of “Gloria a Dios”, at the count of three.
Leader/assignee sends form: https://forms.gle/LC1jcBsSMQ5UVbXw7
WE TRAIN:A tree of hope (7 of 7) - https://youtu.be/3Or8PdL0eVQ
(Anyone designated may play the video).
WE THANK God for His blessings in our lives, our groups and our churches.
WE READ: Psalms 51-53; Romans 2
WE GIVE, sending our praise report to: https://forms.gle/LPKsnct18bUnXU5E8
At the end of the 10-minute meeting, we dismiss with a victory
cry of “Gloria a Dios” [Glory to God] at the count of three.